Le Temps Perdu…

Today was bitter and chilly but with the sun shining… A day that reminded me of the day a few months back… It wasn’t as heartaching and gloomy but it still made me post these silly yet meaningful lines I wrote back then:

Tell me something that cheers me up…
On a white day like today,
I need my spirit to fly up.

While frozen in this bloody shell…
I’m asking the man above all,
to send me a Hank Moody and a puff puff.

Oh, yes!
that will make my soul to go high, high, high…

Now I’m back to the reality of life and its originality… It’s surprising how swimming in scented bubbles and listening to Carla in her classic monotone can swing your mood… I now crave an incredible pause in the moment… In this magical moment…

Très bonsoir!