Monthly Archives: January 2011

Feel – Felt – Felt

Zooming up to the sky,

and the fake stars

are spinning around

her blemished eyes.

She draws a giant circle

above them all,

fills it up with

the whitest white

and grayish dots.

Begging to forget

the agony of

the bastard

sad songs.

She smiles and frisks

then frankly lies;

sings along,

getting high.

She flies and

falls deep in heart;

inks her soul with


and paper cuts.

Feels them all

and buries them

in sleep, in a life

ever after.


Final Days – 3


I find myself among a million non-existent lovers,

rushing to their beloved or to the rainbirds, and

I’m standing in stillness, admiring the yellow line,

minding it beneath my mind’s shutter.

Where will I stand in the next

forty eight hours?

Fast forward.

Confessions, tears, strangers,

heartbeats – the heart hoards its beats.

Elegance, surprises, adults,

let’s go wild – in to the wild,

et cetera,




The moon didn’t hide that night;

the sun won’t ever hide my love,

the truth – once again –

beat the lies.



Final Days – 2

I keep this “secretly/desirably” simple (make everything in past tense):

I break into the fragile snowflakes as I pass the same dodgy

mate in all his glory. I admire his reddish socks, adoring

the feather on his beige chapeau. Who bloody cares about

tonight’s full eclipse? I still worship the virgin moon

as I wander under it with scattered thoughts. I stumble

along, growling and shaking. I’m lost. I’m found. I

repeat, “but I don’t feel down.” My companion tonight

is the taxi driver from Ghana. His random smile,

his ring tone, melt my hijacked heart; rescue

me from the nonsense terms that translate

into what we both learnt as lies.

Impatient, fearless, intoxicated;

I play tonight’s song, and smile

big at our (long) overdue

yet predictable


To be continued…


Final Days – 1

I just regained my sight

and saw myself floating

in between the silvery sky,

the knitted daffodils, and

the natural delights.

Eyes closed; eyes wide shut.

In the stranger’s land;

sunken in the night;

drunken in the drips;

I sweat and then smiled.

Beneath those closed eyes,

were the hot summer days,

the screaming on an old tape,

the lost Roman chain, and

an unknown tomorrow.

To be continued…