Monthly Archives: December 2004

The Aviator

I was disappointed!!! It wasn’t as good as I thought at all. Too long!!! Quite boring!!! in one word, DON’T EXPECT TOO MUCH!

The film is the bio of Howard Hughes (1905-1976), played by Leonardo Dicaprio. His acting is actually top notch. Nice accent Leo! Cate was great too! Blanchett I mean. Let’s see what they are gonna do at the Golden Globe.


It’s 2:19 am!!! I’m still awake … Quite tired and sad!!! what for? God knows!

I’m thinking so much of the Annie Lennox song! I mean Sweet Dreams. I feel like singing it so loud so everyone can hear it. And that’s what I’m doing now:

Some of them want to use you, Some of them want to be used by you. Some of them want to abuse you, Some of them want to be abused…

You know what? screw all of them! 😉