My Week…

To anyone who gives a damn, my week has gone as follows “so far”:

Work: Holy moly… Super busy… I’m running around like a headless chicken… No complaints though; it’s enjoyable…

Health: I had food poisoning with the worst and most unmerciful bone ache and fever!!! No more calamari for me, thankyouverymuch… At least not for another year…

Reading (a.k.a. intellectual stimulation): I’m reading three books at the same time (typical ME!)…

Kite Runner” is a great read… I’m halfway through… Quite inspiring I would say… “Chicken with Plums” (the author is my all time favorite black and white illustrator – I even had a conversation about her with a stranger on the train last night!)… Ahmad Shamlou‘s poems (cool, but maybe a bit too heavy while you’re suffering from food poisoning!)

Listening: Non-stop Tori Amos, as always! This week I’m obsessed with her album, “Little Earthquakes“… Keane‘s new album, “Under the Iron Sea” (like the rest of the Brit bands, I have a special affinity to them and their new work is quite special)

Shopping: I spent all my Indigo gift vouchers over books and CD’s (Chicken with Plums, Keane’s new CD, etc. etc.)… I also bought the coolest green hat e.v.e.r. from my favorite store at the Distillery District… Arghhh, can’t even remember the name of the store! Can I just say I currently hate calamari?!

C’est tout…



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