What if I need to cough?!

I was reading the 2005-2006 TSO manual on my way back home. There are tons of great shows coming up in 2006. However, what really grabbed my attention was the “Frequent Questions” section on the first page for the ones who are new to the TSO. Guess what? One of the main questions was: “What if I need to cough?”. That is actually a clever question as I had the same problem a couple of years ago in one of the TSO shows and my coughs embarrassed the hell out of me. The answer in the manual is to take some cough medicine in advance, bring unwrapped lozenges with you, try to “bury” your cough in a loud passage of music, blah blah blah.

My advice would be to either sell your ticket or offer it to a nice friend of yours, stay at home, in your bed, switch on your CD Player or MP3 Player or iPod or whatever and enjoy listening to your favorite.

To find out more about upcoming shows at the TSO click HERE