Écrire… C’est sa vie…

I often screw up the moments I decide to write… There are many nights and days that I “decide” to put down my words on a blank page or on a piece of paper, but that’s exactly when the deleting action takes place… I write and then delete… I delete and delete… or rip the paper into a million pieces… There are also times when I’m almost too selfish to share my mind with anyone in the whole universe… even with you whom I always trust… So instead I obliterate the words inside my own self!

My words come on a piece of paper when there is no other way to express them… or when I’m inspired by a tiny little thing in my surroundings… by the smoke in the fresh air passing by and never coming back until the next inhale… by the smell of a fresh coffee at my favorite café on the corner… by the smile of the old guy who sells me the same cup of coffee every single morning… by an old lady climbing up the stairways and the sound of her breathing in and out… or by the beauty of the red rose on her green hat… by the Champaign bubbles dancing around… by the ticking of a clock which reminds me of this present moment… tick tock… tick tock… by a line of a song which is on repeat mode inside my frozen ears… by dreadful mistakes or by heartbreaking experiences in my, yours and others’ lives… by a shitty day which can easily makes you sick inside and cause ache in your heart… or by the times I want to retreat from the world…

And there are times like today that writing helps me get my focus back on conversations and improve my feelings towards others…


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