Monthly Archives: May 2008

Praise the Sky… Praise the Light…

This is part of the book I’m reading at the moment and I’m loving it…

“Do you have doubts about life? Are you unsure if it is worth the trouble? Look at the sky: that is for you. Look at each person’s face as you pass on the street: those faces are for you. And the street itself, and the ground under the street, and the ball of fire underneath the ground: all these things are for you. They are much for you as they are for other people. Remember this when you wake up in the morning and think you have nothing. Stand up and face the east. Now praise the sky and praise the light within each person under the sky. It’s okay to be unsure. But praise, praise, praise.”

Miranda July in “No one belongs here more than you.

Los Angeles Travelogue | #3

I’ll keep it short and simple: the last days of my trip were spent in lovely Pasadena, complete with another sushi meal (mmm)… Venice Beach… Meeting new people and making friends… Yet more surfer dudes on the gloriously sunny beach… Mojitos and margaritas… Hookah and Russian wine…

…and now I’m back with loads to catch up.


Los Angeles Travelogue | #2

We ended up going to a nice wine bar and lounge last night, before enjoying an intellectually stimulating indie movie, “Reprise“. Opinions varied from better-than-I-thought to boring-in-the-middle… 🙂

Brunch today was at the super cool 3 Square Café + Bakery in hip and artsy Abbot Kinney… And what do you know? We bumped into Jake Gyllenhaal & Reese Witherspoon!!! Oh, and I forgot to mention yesterday that we also saw Matthew Perry, a.k.a. Chandler… Yes, my favorite “Friends” character, Chandler!!! We then strolled on the Santa Monica promenade and pier, went to burn off some calories at the gym, and are now ready to go out on the town.

C’est tout for the second day of my trip!


Los Angeles Travelogue | #1

After a busy last day at work yesterday, the tail-end was a calm flight over to LA. I was pretty much wiped out upon my arrival, but this was made up by seeing my loved ones and a great big chunk of “tah-chin”!

Today started with the news that I have tickets to go see Madonna in fall (woohoo!), followed by ‘dejeuner’ at Le Pain Quotidien, surprising a cousin whom I hadn’t seen in years, a trip down to Manhattan and Hermosa Beaches, and an outdoor arts and craft market among the surfer dudes. 🙂

Chilling right now… Plans for tonight: Dinner? Wine bar? Movie? Keeping it spontaneous in Cali…

Stay tuned…


My Conscience… Your Conscience… Our Conscience…

“Your conscience is a nuisance. A conscience is like a child. If you pet it and play with it and let it have everything that it wants, it becomes spoiled and intrudes on all your amusements and most of your griefs. Threat your conscience as you would anything else. When it is rebellious, spank it – be severe with it, argue with it, prevent it from coming to play with you at all hours, and you will secure a good conscience; that is to say, a properly trained one. A spoiled one is simply destroys all the pleasure in life. I think I have reduced mine to order. At least, I haven’t heard from it for some time. Perhaps I have killed it from over-severity.”

Mark Twain

Mon Weekend…

Expecting… Preparing… Old Friend… Cooking… More Friends… Chocolate Chip Cookies… Scottish Oban… Ravioli… Like a Virgin… Pizza… Frozen… Movements… Chocolates… Sleepless… Cleaning… Fresh Coffee… Baguette… Sweetness… Distillery… Friends… Contact… Lavender… Laughter… Excitement… The Visitor… Earl Grey Tea… Goodbyes… My Blueberry Nights… Missed Calls… Camera Shots… Darkness… Spicy Tuna Rolls… Phone Calls… Loveliness… Dreaming… Café Fauchon… More Baguettes… Training… Couscous… Flow… Meditation… Streetcar… New Friends… Contact again… Walking… More Contact… Hunger… Pizza Marinara… Fabulous Blueberry Pie… Rain… Cat Power… Chilling… Almonds… Carrie B. and her ladies… Zzz…



My Blueberry Nights in San Francisco! :-)

OK, I’m back safe and sound after an amazingly fabulous trip to ‘Frisco, work- and fun-wise… It was a *magic*! Seriously, everything was just great and the city and its people once again gave me the best vibe ever… Like before, I won’t ruin the experience with only a few lines here… Here’s thanking the lovely ones who shared their time and made it such an enjoyable trip for me…

Now I’m back, more energized than ever… I have a few hard and busy months of work ahead of me, but I’m darn ready for the challenge… yes!