Monthly Archives: July 2006

La vie est belle…

Some want something, they’ve been dreaming for weeks, months or even years… Some have family problems… Some feel and are strange… Some are lonely and want to disappear… Some are intense… Some are waiting for excitement… Some are in love… Some are traveling faraway… Some are forgotten… Some are resting their mind and body… Some are noticing the changes…

In any case, life is good and it will get better…


Some Like It Hot…

Today was hot… It’s not the heat that is killing everyone; it’s the whole heaviness… The same people, who are complaining during the winter, are nagging these days too… They are never happy and I guess they are just born to complain while others are enjoying their lives…

Some like it hot… Some like it cold… And I like it both 😉

Enjoy the heat before you get chilled to the bone…



The Niyaz gig was FAB… they thrilled an overflow crowd at Lula last night… I still have the music in my head and feel a bit dizzy… This is only the side-effect of the three bottles of Chilean Pinot Noir and the tobacco!!!

Thank god it’s Friday…


client de Starbucks…

Another Starbucks coffee and another quote from “client de Starbucks”:

“The problem with society today is that people are too focused on themselves to care about the needs of others. Great change is brought about by ordinary people filling ordinary needs.”

“Le probléme de notre société moderne, c’est que les gens sont trop tournes sur eux-mêmes pour se préoccuper des besoins des autres. Ce sont des gens ordinaires répondant à des besoins ordinaires qui apportent les changements les plus importants.”

— Steve Rouse – client de Starbucks

Zizou Mania…

C’mon, leave the poor guy alone for heaven’s sake!!! Why everyone is making a big fuss out of it?!!

Italians are ecstatic… French people are still VERY proud of him… He was still awarded the Golden Ball as the World Cup’s best player, earning 2,012 points in the vote by journalists covering the tournament…

And he head butted Materrazi… So what?!!


Conversation #11

(Even the conversations are about the WORLD CUP!!!)

– He’s not yours, he’s Veronique’s 😉 He’s SUCH a gentleman… A bunch of my friends thought France cheated and that the player just went for a dive to get the penalty shot… but I thought it was OK!
– C’mon, tell your friends not to make DRAMAS… It was 100% PENALTY…
– Moi, je suis absolument d’accord. Penal cent pourcent 🙂 By the way, you’re so “hezb-e baad” it’s unbelievable. Better make up your mind for the final.
– Who are you supporting in the final? Les Blues ou Azzurri?
– Dunno yet. Tricky one. Probably France… but I don’t think I’d be *too* disappointed if Italy won either.
– Hehe… I love this conversation… I’ll put it on my blog 😉 love you!
– Ditto, cherie.