Monthly Archives: November 2005

In My Place

My all time favorite song (One of my all time favorite songs) which is playing now and saying how EXACTLY I feel now and all of these are happening while I’m dealing with tons of emails:

In my place, in my place
Were lines that I couldn’t change, I was lost, oh yeah
I was lost, I was lost
Crossed lines I shouldn’t have crossed, I was lost, oh yeah

Yeah, how long must you wait for him? Yeah, how long must you pay for him? Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

I was scared, I was scared; tired and under prepared
But I wait for you

If you go, if you go; leaving me here on my own
Well I wait for you

Once again it made me feel good (much better)… Much love to you all.



Can I complain? I guess not; I don’t have any right to do so. Can I nag? I don’t think so; Again, I don’t have right. Can I only talk then? No I can’t; It’s too personal.

I don’t like Tuesdays. I felt the same shit last Tuesday and I just don’t know what to do.

Sorry for being miserable. Will be fine soon; I promise…




If you see me now, with no doubt you would think I’m on drugs. I feel drowsy and can’t keep these eyes open. Thinking of paying all these bloody bills also makes me feel depressed. Counting every second to go and just go… Your sympathy is greatly appreciated.

Much love,

The Zombie

No More News

I made my decision. I’m not going to read or listen to the news anymore. They are only bullshit and nothing but bullshit which make your mind ache. No more rubbish. No more headaches. No more news… At least not for a while…

I’m off to lunch. I’ll catch you later.


Strange Feeling

Our office is in a loft. There is this glass ceiling above where I’m sitting so I can see when the sun shines and when the rain falls. It’s really dark in here now. It’s raining; it’s thundering. I’m a bit scared. I’m a bit sad but it will make me happy to see you happy.

Will be back…