I’m back. The trip was just lovely. I just chilled with the loved ones and did absolutely nothing. Traveling is the most refreshing thing in the world. As Scott Peck says: “We are all in a rut, and there are two ways to get out of it. One is to travel and the other is to work in a mental institution.” He is absolutely right.
The exciting news is that my new iPod nano is sitting right beside me. Yes, I finally bought it. Maybe I’m nuts but it’s just so cool and sweet that I couldn’t afford not to have it. The one that I bought only two months ago, or even less than two months ago, is already sold!
It’s crazy busy at work. There are tons to catch up. I promise to write more when things get calmer. Thanks for STILL checking out my blog.
Much love and smiles…
How much was the final asking price?! 😉