An Unknown Writer…

Various distractions this morning lead me to read my old posts…

As much as I think my writing sucked at that time and needs much improvement still, they were all a reflection of my feelings and emotions at the time… strange, confused, ecstatic, hungry, in love, furious, and the list goes on… I know I can be a pain from time to time (who isn’t?!), but I have come to the conclusion that I don’t want to be another character…

If I ever did though…

In the old days, I was dying to be an Indie rock musician… it was Dolores at the beginning and that was right when I saw her on the stage… I just thought her haircut and the way she played the guitar were the coolest…

Then I switched to Tori… a pretty good choice to me… but then I gave up, cuz I thought I will be as fake as can be…

Carry Bradshaw came along my way… she writes well… works her own hours for a newspaper and has great style… a taste to die for… and a messy character which I can totally relate to… but then I thought, wake up dear… you are who you are and you will always remain you…

These days I’m thinking again who I’d like to be in reality… I’m thinking and thinking and finally realized that person would be my mum…

She has a big heart and writes well, not publicly, but I’m lucky to hear or read what she writes… from time to time… She indeed knows how to flow into your mind, how to make you think… how to make you fall in love with the present moment and live here and only here…

This post is therefore dedicated to you, mum 🙂

Much love…


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