Sinful Attraction…

It’s been a while – almost two weeks – since my intention to talk about some of my recent cultural activities on the blog… arts and galleries… movies and plays… music and concerts… the usual… somehow, it seems I never find the time, the right time, to do just that… so instead of making promises about the future, I’ll start here and now to share my excitement and smiling face since this morning…

Tori Amos is in town once again and this time she is going to impress us with her sinful attraction… oh yes, bring it on Tori… I’ve been endlessly counting down the days to see you again live, with your flaming red hair, moving your fingers beautifully on your piano and harpsichord… and your voice, THAT voice, which always transports me to another universe…

Stay tuned for more art-oriented posts and, of course, an update on Tori’s show…