Happy Two Thousand and Eight


I know, I know… I haven’t been blogging for some time… But before going anywhere, let me raise a toast to you all and wish you cheerfulness and loveliness in the year 2008… Let me also thank you for reading my posts in the past year…

Yes, I was away… I went home… Such a strange yet great experience, after all these years… Even better was seeing the loved and “special” ones who I hadn’t seen for a long time…

Now I’m back… Refreshed and revived… I won’t talk about the drama I went through the first few days of the year… What’s important is that it’s over now… What’s even more important is that I’m back in Toronto, up and running with a list of resolutions for 2008… Cooking is one of them… Making delicious, healthy meals… the other items on the list will remain with me…

Sending you great vibes and an even greater smile for the year to come…

Much love,


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