Bathroom Readers

It has been absolutely crazy busy today. My manager is on her sabbatical for four weeks and I am here, sitting by myself and going crazy with all the workload. So I thought I better give myself a short break, have a Diet Coke and write here.

I am knackered. Not physically. Not mentally. I am just tired of mind games. Sick and tired of them. It is so not fair but I guess it just satisfies some people.

As most of you do, I quite like reading magazines or books in the bathroom. Last night I was reading this article in the January 2005 edition of the Fortune magazine (God bless the subscriber!). The cover story was “The 100 Best Companies to Work For” and guess what? Adobe was one of them and it was ranked 13th best company to work for in the states. How exciting!!! So I better stop nagging and get back to work.

Have a FAB weekend … 🙂